November Color Inspiration

Autumn But Not Quite Winter

Finally posting last month's color inspiration. November is tricky: it is essentially a 3-week month, and after the three weeks, we're all shot out of a cannon and land somewhere between December 25th and the New Year. I hope you take some time to slow down and enjoy friends and family during the holiday rush. After all, that is what it is all about. 


color inspiration board with color blocks, images of colorful pumpkins, leaves, and a repeat geometric pattern by jenny bova


Would you like the color inspiration delivered to your mailbox each month? If so, sign up here. As always, thanks for being here. 

 handwritten jenny sign-off


A closer look at how our favorite fashion icons wore prints to convey so much without saying a word.
Autumn but not quite winter: see the color inspiration for the month of November.
